Visit to Villa Rosa 2013

The advice:

Monday 25 nov 2013

Dear All,

We are going to plan the visit to Villa Rosa (the new rehabilitation hospital in via Spolverine, 84 – 38057 Pergine Valsugana) the next friday 29th from 13:00 to 15:30.

Starting at 13:00 shall allow everyone to reach the hospital by car or by train and visit the robotics rahabilitation facilities (that is possible to visit after 14:30). We could meet at 12:45 at the Pergine Valsugana train station.

see you soon!

The visit:


The Force Panel instrument in one of the new Villa Rosa rehabilitation ospital gym.

Piergiorgio and Diego illustrating the principles of neuro-physical rehabilitation.

           The robotics rehabilitation tools. Locomat (left) and Armeo (right).

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