Categoria Homework

Current and past homeworks

Kinematics – Group 2

An interactive lecture on path following algorithms The core idea of the project is to provide a tool able to support the teacher in explaining the theory, make the lesson more appealing and help the student in visualizing the concepts…

Kinematics – Group 3

  AUTONOMOUS MINE VEHICLE CONTROL BASED ON PATH FOLLOWING Robotic Perception & Action Course DII – UniTN a.a. 2018/19 De Paoli Piera, Maistri Riccardo,Piazzola Filippo, Tomasi Monica   KINEMATIC MODEL OF AN ARTICULATED DUMPER TRUCK The goal of the project…

A* Algorithm – Group 2

This is the blogpost for our “Robotic’s Perception and Action”‘s project about the A* algorithm, we will briefly explain what its intent was and in what ways we tried to convey that. The main object of our work was to…

A* Algorithm – Group 3

ROBOTIC PERCEPTION AND ACTION PROJECT REPORT A* 3 group: Bordon, Catalano, Nicolini, Noulis. At the beginning of this project, we asked ourselves in what way we could explain the A* algorithm so as to be innovative and different than usual.…

SLAM – Group 1

SLAM project Franceschini, Mouroum, Tadiello, Major 29/02/2019   Overview With increasing popularity of autonomous systems and advancements in key technologies, such as robotics and data processing, the SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping) algorithm is gaining more importance. This project aims…


Assistive Kitchen environment based on Mixed Reality The assignement for the 2017/18 course of Robotic Perception and Action foresee the realization of an IAT able to support people with mild cognitive impairments in everyday life, in-house, operations. For this aim,…