Categoria Robotic Perception and Action

The course provides the basic elements of two of the pillars of Industry 4.0: Mobile Robotics and Mixed Reality using concepts of both measurement (Perception) and planning / control (Action). As for mobile robotics, the theoretical bases of the methods of localization, kinematics, planning and control of the path with robotic vehicles As for the Mixed Reality, the technological and cognitive bases are illustrated together with the main software tools (Unity) and hardware ( different sensors such as time-flight, electromyographic, physiological cameras, eye trackers, etc.).


Hereafter we will try to inform you which topic will be given next lessons: 18/09 – Course Introduction 19/09 – General Rules – UNITY programming 20/09 – UNITY programming Bring PC with you (UNITY installed) 25/09 – Mobile Robotics Bring…


  STUDENTS: Mattia Sartori, Giacomo Mutti SUPERVISORS: Prof. Mariolino De Cecco, Valentina Nardon, Luca Maule Introduction The purpose of the project is to automatically detect the different gait phases of a user which is walking with the help of an…


Sensor Fusion Real-Time Uncertainty Estimation of Autonomous Guided Vehicles Trajectory taking into account Correlated and Uncorrelated Effects Asynchronous and time-delayed sensor fusion of a laser scanner navigation system and odometry Sensor fusion of inertial-odometric navigation as a function of the…


Sensor Fusion Dispensa Sensor Fusion Author(s): Luca Baglivo, Mariolino De Cecco Bayesian Signal Processing: Classical, Modern, and Particle Filtering MethodsAuthor(s): James V. Candy Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers – Third Edition – Chapter 2: Probability Author(s): Douglas C. Montgomery,…

Mixed Reality (MR) Theory

In this section you will find the teaching material regarding Mixed Reality theory with the point of view of a developer of MR systems and interfaces. For this purpose we introduced the general principles highlighting the new role of a…

Mixed Reality with Unity

The lessons provide the basic knowledge about Unity and the C# language. Unity – Introduction Previous lessons UNITY PROJECT Unity – CameraSimulation slides     __________________________________ General material on Unity and C# Books for the course Basics of Unity Basics…

Sensor Fusion

POSITION AND ATTITUDE MEASURING SYSTEMS FOR AUTONOMOUS VEHICLES Introduction to robotic sensors Incremental sensors Environment referred localization Introduction to Sensor Fusion 3D SENSORS Here the slides on different technologies used to perceive the 3D shape of the environment SENSOR FUSION…


INFORMATION University of Trento – Robotic Perception and Action Course A.A. 2018/2019 Supervisor: Prof. Mariolino De Cecco Students: Davide Stocco & Federico Frison INTRODUCTION Path planning is one of the most important elements for mobile robot. Path planning is the…

Kinematics – Group 1

Simulation and Control of Mining Industry Vehicles in Virtual Reality Environments Vehicle Modelling Four wheel drive four wheel steering vehicle model chosen for high maneuverability and controllability in mining applications. Vehicle controls (steering and velocity) calculated to implement path following…