Visit to Villa Rosa 2012

The 26th of november we were invited by doct Giovanni Guandalini, head of the ABILITA unit, to visit the rehabilitation centre of the clinics situated in Pergine (TN).

After an introduction to the clinics general aim and end users characteristics and needs, the main engineering technologies were described and shown.



A further insight by doct. Piergiorgio Tomasi was given about the combined rehabilitation of cognitive and physical channels that, more than expected, are correlated. Recent studies showed that the sole cognitive rehabilitation is able to enhance physical capabilities.

We discussed the possibility to translate typical cognitive exercises into our Froce Panel instrument. A link to the site of cognitive exercises can be found here. The didactics project aims at designing exercises for both cognitive and physical (dexterity) rehabilitation by means of our system.

For those who want to go further into details about cognitive degenerations and rehabilitation can read the following references:

– Sachs, O. (2001), L’ uomo che scambiò sua moglie per un cappello. Adelphi (collana Gli Adelphi), Milano.

– Làdavas, E., Berti A. (2009), Neuropsicologia. Il Mulino, Bologna.

link consensus conference 1

link consensus conference 2

link consensus conference 3

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